韓劇《梨泰院 Class》:「梨泰院」是南韓一個地方名,那「Class」是甚麼意思呢?
想了很久,其實 Class 在此可以有許多意思:

作為動詞,Class 即分類,可能指部分劇中人物因其背景與價值取向,
被「分類」成社會的某一群,如「金湯匙」(금수저) 與「泥湯匙」(흙수저);

作為名詞,Class 指的可能是劇中人物明顯的對立「階層」,
而他們在梨泰院這個氛圍比南韓其他地方自由開放之處 (註2) 建立個一獨特的 Class;

What is the meaning of the title of Korean drama Itaewon Class?
“Itaewon” is a district in South Korea, whilst “Class” is not that straightforward.
From my point of view, “Class” here may refer to its meaning as a verb, i.e. “sort”
- the characters may be sorted into different groups based on their background and beliefs,
for example, the geumsujeo (literally translated to “golden spoon”,
meaning “silver spoon” in English, referring to those have inherited wealth
and connection to power) and the heuksujeo (“mug spoon”,
referring to those are not from wealthy and powerful family)(Note1), the have and the have-not.

“Class” may refer to social group which shares same social and economic status here;
nevertheless, the unique atmosphere of Itaewon makes it a freer district than other districts in Korea (Note2). Thus, would it mean the protagonists of Itaewon Class are a unique class?

Lastly, “Class” refers to a group of students who are taught together. Would it refer to the
learning experiences the characters gained together throughout their journey in the drama?

Itaewon Class Posters.jpg

① 父母的教養對孩子的影響,還有 ② 平民面對權貴欺壓時是否就得妥協。

The first episode started off as a slow burner. As the story went on for around twenty minutes, there came the first climax. When the audience thought they had regained their breath, they were brought to another climax near the end of the episode.

First two episodes of Itaewon Class successfully built the tensions between the and
antagonist. I was so impressed with its vivid portrayal of ① the father-and-son relationships,
and ② the contrast of the have and have-not.

① 看完首兩集不禁讓我想起美國作家 Dorothy Law Nolte 博士的經典詩作《Children Learn
What They Live》(註3) 。Nolte 博士點出,孩子就在其日常生活中學習成長;孩子在一個正面的環境生活,被正面的態度教養,孩子就會長成正面的人,反之亦然;所以父母對孩子真的影響深遠。

① The father-and-son relationships of the Parks and Jangs reminded me the classic poem
Children Learn What They Live (Note 3) written by Dr. Dorothy Law Nolte. Nolte suggests that
the environment children are exposed to can shape who they become; as a result, words,
actions and attitudes of parents have direct and long-term impacts of their children.

② 信念與原則,到底有多重要?你會不惜付出任何代價也要捍衛這些價值嗎?




What do beliefs and principles mean to you?
Are they something you would defend at all costs?

Would we still be true to ourselves in the face of power and injustice?
Would we resist or compromise?

When we are forced to back down, would we just compromise for surviving an ordeal?
Nevertheless, would apologising when you are not guilty really put an end to the ordeal?
Or it would instead open a door for your counterpart to push you towards more concessions?

Could we still live righteously if we were not able to stick to our convictions?

Itaewon Class EP01.jpg

延伸閱讀/Related Stories (後補/To be added):

第1-2集 父與子/權貴與平民 EP1-2 Father and Son/The Have and Have-Not


1. 關於「金湯匙」與「泥湯匙」可參考/For more on “Golden Spoon” and “Dirt Spoon”, see Greene, Lane. "Why it's Cool to be a Dirt Spoon in Korea", 1843. Accessed May 5, 2020. https://www.1843magazine.com/upfront/brave-new-word/why-its-cool-to-be-a-dirt-spoon-in-korea
2. Kim, Chan-hee. “The Cultural Identity of Itaewon”. Situations, vol. 5 (Winter 2011): 110-117. http://situations.yonsei.ac.kr/product/data/item/1535538073/detail/2fd01290d7.pdf
3. Nolte, Dorothy Law and Rachel Harris. Children Learn What They Live: Parenting to Inspire Values. New York: Workman Publishing Company, 1998.

    創作者 凱羅雪 的頭像

    雪影劇場 Mi Theatre

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